Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Small Victories

I am amused by so many things as i sit to write tonight. first of all, i am amused by the simple fact that if your house is a wreck, you can bet that folks will show up to visit. On Saturday, i decided to clean out my kids closets completely - COMPLETELY - and paint their closets...re-organize, the whole 9 yards. little did i know that doing that "simple" project would destroy the rest of my home. Nor did i realize, as in my days of yon, that doing projects with small children in the house increases the duration of the bloody project by no less than 500%. Seriously. Back to my children's closets.......my children are ridiculously blessed. they have enough stuff to entertain a small country, i do believe. seriously.

So here I am in all of my nasty-houseness...doing laundry (THE ultimate thorn in my flesh. I could care less about having a house keeper. Send me someone to do my FREAKIN' LAUNRDRY!) Okay, back to my nasty-houseness..........And of course, what happens? My precious next door neighbors show up. Thank goodness they are about the coolest folks on my block..But regardless of their seemingly unworried attitude of the plethora of CRAP all over my house, I was mortified. I may have apologized thirty times, I think. It seems that this sort of thing is my luck. Or my lack of organizational skills. Or my amazing blessing of having two children under the age of 4. I bet it has something to do w/ my organizational skills...but i'm leaving it up to you to decide.....

However tonight, I have decided to focus on the small victories. After my neighbors left (both running, and muttering, i'm pretty sure, that it was the most hideous home they'd ever been in), I got busy. With the help of a Curious George movie (GOD BLESS DVD PLAYERS!), I actually got my entire kitchen cleaned and all my dishes done! YEah! And as if I hadn't done enough (yeah, that kitchen was in BAD shape) I picked up the Living room and the Family room. I think that deserves a pat on the back. And a nice glass of red wine. Cheers! More posting soon.........


carla's gateway said...
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carla's gateway said...

Hey, Sam is coming here in April and looks like not to Lubbock, wondering if you guys would like to be our cottage neighbors again around that time? We loved having you guys in the B&Bs!

carla's gateway said...

okay, I am so learning how to do this blog thing, and look there, it SHOUTS... "comment deleted" when I only wanted to add to it! oh well, I will say it again, I am so excited that your words will be here for me and others to look into your heart. It is almost like having you in my house drinking peppermint tea and talking over important and not so important things of life. I love it and I love you precious girl! Can't wait to see more! hugs and hugs! Tahtee

Amy said...

Ok, apparantly you don't believe us when we say we really don't care about your messy house. Give me a day to let our house get "back to normal" since I kind of cleaned it, and I'll have you come see what a messy house really looks like. You're crazy. I'm glad you have a blog. I like that I can stalk you from my recliner now instead of having to peer out my windows or drop by unannounced. Oh, and you stink if you get to go back to the cottage in April!

the lowe down... said...

oh poor stalker neighbor...jealous of my fun trips to God's Country!!! I'll take pics so you can see how wonderful it is!