Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I know this is a random post, but really, I must. It seems when I was little, neighbors were people you knew, borrowed sugar or eggs from...and your kids played with their kids next door until after dark and your mom called (screamed) your name until you came home. You knew everyone on your block, and you knew which house the old geezer lived in (and how to annoy him!) Sadly, it seems, neighborhoods of that sort are disappearing. We all have such technologically advanced worlds that involve blackberry's, cell phones, ipods, and Garmins, that we find little time to get to know the people that live 10 steps away.
I happen to live on a street that is quite sweet, for the most part. The two ladies across the street have lived there for more than 30 years, and one of them has so much family that it's a virtual party all the time! We love the fact that there are kids around and besides the creepy guy on the bike (seriously, this guy is on his bike ALL the time), it's a sweet little block to live on.
Which brings me to my post. I debated whether or not to post this, but I must. It's just on my heart. My son's bestest buddy is moving in 10 days. He lives next door. His name is Charlie. (Cameron calls him Car-ee. It's great. He just points at their house now and says, Car-ee. Car-ee. Gotta love it.) Car-ee is absolutely the cutest, most adorable kid. And his parents rock too. They moved in 3 years ago, and have been the best neighbors a girl could ask for. I love that they show up with popsicles or call to ask if Charlie can have a 'brother' for the evening. They've been known to get phone calls from a hysterical mom (uh-hum.....me), when my kiddos were sick (did I mention that Andy's a pediatric dr.?) and I didn't have a clue what to do. They have played pracitcal jokes on us (remember the Tractor Protective Services incident?!), and made me laugh until i nearly peed my pants. They have just made this block so wonderful. And I am sad. I am sad to see them move. Of course, I am ELATED for them, on this new adventure in Virginia. It's just that they have been a blessing in so many ways...a refreshing reminder that good neighbors still exist, but are so very hard to come by. And I know that even though miles will separate us for a time, I trust that the Lord has allowed our paths to cross for good reason. What a treasure you three are to us, BowmanWest - and I am certain that wherever our lives take us, I'd take you as neighbors anyday. God bless you guys, may he keep you safe and protected as you walk faithfully - Kristi


carla's gateway said...

okay...so it sounds like we need to have them transferred around here!!! Kristi...what precious people these must be.... and soooo fun! I'm sad for Cameron AND for his mommy! TRANSITIONS are hard!!! but NEIGHBORS....

the lowe down... said...

Carla, you'd love these awesome people! They are fantastic neighbors...and wonderful people!

Emileigh Latham said...

It is true. Neighbors are not the same anymore. I remember a time when I would walk down a street with my Mom, (Some years ago) we would see several of our neighbors and have wonderful conversations. Right there on their lawns and laugh about silly things that happened to us that day. Such sweet times and memories.

Amy said...

Oh man, make me cry why don't you! I don't know what Charlie will do without Cam and Mere. He talks about them ALL the time. I don't know what I'll do without Kristi! I hope we don't end up with weirdo neighbors. Or, if they're weird, I hopes it's the same genre as our weirdness.

the lowe down... said...

Oh, you know I love you guys! REally! It's gonna be great for you guys...and I am sure that three years will fly by, just like that! And don't worry...I'll find us neighboring houses if we move before you come back! ok?!