Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

I am sitting here this morning watching Cameron eat Frosted Flakes (they'rrrrreeee GREAAAT!) like it's his JOB. Meredith is sound asleep. John left for work a little while ago. I have to say, this is my favorite time of the day. The buzz around the house isn't in full swing, it's relatively quiet, and I'm still in my pj's drinking coffee.

First things first - a shout out to my dad and mom - They just finished their first year of Coach Miller's Driving School! Congrats on surviving the first year - and I pray continued success. What a wonderful group of people that have come along side you guys in this venture. Thank you to all of you who have blessed them in such personal ways.

Question of the day.....Has anyone out there ever wanted to move, but knew it wasn't time yet? And even though you knew it wasn't time, you still REALLY wanted to?! We met with our real estate agent this week to talk about selling our house and moving...either to Abilene or somewhere else in Lubbock. And although we could buy something newer or in a 'better' neighborhood, something keeps us from taking the BIG step. When we pulled up to our house last night, I just looked at our cute little trees (you guys know HOW much i love the trees in my front yard, right? They seriously, are my babies. there's def a tree-hugger within me!), and all of the things that make our house, OUR house, and i knew we couldn't do it yet. As much as our heart yearns for us to live in Abilene, closer to dear friends and blessed family, it isn't time yet. And as much as I want it to be time to move, I don't want to move if it isn't right for our family. John and I agreed last night that what the Lord is doing with us here in Lubbock isn't finished yet. That being said, all of you blog-readers who are wishing and hoping to get the call that we're on our way to A-town.....i'm sorry to say it's not happening just yet. The desire is there, but the avenue isn't. **And on a side note, as I was proof-reading this....I kept seeing the same theme - TIME - and hope that each of you know that even though the TIME isn't right yet - we trust that the Lord will open the doors and make the path right when and if He allows. Thanks to all of you sweet folks...you guys are the reason we wish we lived there!

On a much brighter note, summer at the Lowe house has officially begun! The pool out at The Falls opened this weekend, and we have decided it is going to be the Year of the Floaties. My kids may have tan lines from wearing floaties so much, that's how often we're going to be at the pool!!!!!! Meredith is such a natural swimmer - and i'm totally a lover of the sun....so Cameron better put on those happy floaties and join us in the kiddy pool! Woo hoo!!

quick update....since beginning this post, Cameron finished his 3rd bowl of Frosted Flakes, and has decided he's had enough. For now. Boys!.......

Also on the summer agenda....TRAVELING! We are a traveling crew this summer....John and I are taking "holiday" in Cancun the first week of July, and then going to San Antonio at the end of July (can you say HOT?!). We have decided the kids will be completely spoiled rotten by August from staying with my parents! Meredith knows about our trip to Cancun, but is not as concerned about our trip as she is about the fact that she gets to MOVE (her words!) to Abilene for a week! She keeps telling me that she can't wait to move there so she can swim in TaTa and Papa Bear's pool THREE times a day. Here's a peek at what she believes should (and most likely will!) transpire each day:

Mere: "Mom, when Cam and I move to TaTa's house can i swim every day. So, after breakfast, we'll swim, and then we'll eat lunch and take a nap. Then we'll swim again. Then we'll eat dinner and swim again after that."

Oh she's a mess. But I wouldn't have her any other way! On the Cameron homefront, welcome to the world of boys. Since he finished his three bowls of cereal this morning, I have been playing baseball between typing. Here's the scenario: I hold the ball in my hand, he hits it like it's on a tee with his little plastic bat, then runs the "bases" around the living room. I am typing while he runs. It makes for interesting typing to make sure my thoughts seem somewhat complete!

Well, I should post. Seems i have a mountain of laundry to do, and a little boy that needs a clean diaper. More soon. Love each of you!!!! Kris


Amy said...

MOVE?? I'm pretending I didn't hear that.

the lowe down... said...

yeah, well, i told you i wouldn't buy a house that didn't come with an empty one next door for Bowman West! you know you'd love A-town (again!)

Emileigh Latham said...

What a cute family. I love the little entrances of your children.
I understand about moving. Every once in a while, it would be nice if we moved into a bigger home here in Lubbock or somewhere else but, you know, we are not finished here in this home and in this town to be moving.

carla's gateway said...

I love you my Kristi girl.... I've already texted you, but just had to blogcommune with you too......We celebrate our Emily tomorrow, we plan to have coffee/pastries (not pasties... Elly got a kick out of that oh so NOT thought!!) with kiddos running around Em's big back yard, the back door opened for all the little "needs" of toddlers and a BIG 7 year old. I am thinking of you precious one and what you mean to my girl! I cherish you Kristi... really I do!