Sunday, June 15, 2008


I wasn't good at tag in elementary school, and apparently, I am not so good with tag now! Diana 'tagged' me back in April...but I didn't know it until today. I'm pretty sure the object of this is to reveal 7 things about yourself, and then tag other people. So, with no particular order, here goes!

1. In honor of Father's Day, a random insight about my childhood - we were a hardworking, middle class family...and in the summer, my dad would earn extra money by mowing other people's yards. I would go with him and mow while he would do the edging. He would pay me a little for each of the yards we did. I still love doing yard work, and I am thankful that he taught me the value of sweat, hardwork and serving others.

2. I am addicted to Sudoku (the square game with the numbers). I profess that I play at least one game everyday. Somehow, it is my way of convincing myself that I still have braincells wired to do things besides change diapers and make PBJ sandwiches!

3. Private dream....I wish I could paint. I love colors, and mixing them...I love the sight of blank canvas and oil paint at Hobby Lobby, and wish I could buy some just to mess with it. Hummmm...Maybe someday I will paint (something other than color by number.)

4. I snore. Loudly. Ask my precious husband or my girlfriends who bunked with me when we went to the lake every summer....poor unsuspecting people....

5. I have a weird fettish with antioxidants. We recently discovered two new 'power fruits' - Goji berries, and Mangosteen. I've been a fan of Acai for a while now, as well as the other usual suspects. I guess this ties into the goal of living to be 100 and seeing my name on the Smucker's label when Williard Scott does birthdays on the TODAY show. And yes, I know he'd be like 188 when I turn 100.......but I bet some rascal in his 60's will pronouce my name just fine and tell everyone that I like Antioxidants, oil painting and going to Starbucks for my morning java. And that I am the reigning world champion of Sudoku.

6. My mom recently gave me a watch that was my great-grandmother's. I took it to the jeweler this week, and they fixed it so I can wear it. I love wearing it and thinking about her wearing it when she was raising my grandmother (who was the coolest lady I've ever known, fyi).

7. Let's more thing....a bit vulnerable...but okay, here goes: I adore my husband. Today is Father's Day, and I believe he is the best thing that ever happened to me and our children. I love that I get to spend the rest of my life with him. I love seeing him with our children and often regret that his mom, Mary, isn't here to see the Dad that he is. I know with certainty that she was so proud of you as a Daddy to Meredith, and would have been amazed at how you have embraced the role of fatherhood to Mere and Cameron. You are a jewel of a man. I love you.

okay.......I now TAG Amy! (This gives you an excuse to sit down and not pack for a few minutes!) hee hee!


Emileigh Latham said...

I think you would be a great artist. Showing great emotions through colors, bold shapes, and even through a figure. I think you would enjoy it. It would be a way to express yourself.
Carleigh loves Sudoku too. Ya'll should get together and have a Sudoku night.

Amy said...

I miss our neighbors!!