Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday!!

Well, all I can say is praise the Lord for Tamiflu and Z-packs. It's been a rough week! I have NEVER had the flu in my whole life! Then, to have the flu and a nasty sinus infection all at the same time..........well let's just say I'm glad to be better!

Of course, it didn't help that me, John, Meredith and Cameron all had the flu also.....all at the same time! We were like an MASH unit....dosing out Tylenol all over the place, snuggled in our respective blankets on couches, recliners, kleenex boxes close at hand.......it was nuts! All is better now...YEAH!

As for me, today is a good day - it's SUPER TUESDAY! Yes, I am a political junkie...and even though my guy, Mike Huckabee, isn't gonna wrap up the nomination today on the Republican ticket, there is something cool about the election process. All over our nation (well, at least in 24 states) folks are casting their ballot for their 'guy' (or gal for you Hillary fans. Is anyone I know a Hillary fan?!).....WHat a cool country we live in that we have the freedom to vote. And I think by the end of the day today, we will be looking at John McCain as the next Republican nominee (joined possibly by Mike Huckabee as his VP running mate)........but those Democrats......I have a feeling it's gonna get interesting for those guys - poor Hillary, she's losing ground to Obama...it's so close in the national polls that it's considered a dead heat! What once looked like a slam-dunk for her is now ominous........especially with most of the Kennedy family stepping up their support of Obama......

okay.....I'm sure none of you give a rip about my political opinions....but hey, there you go...that's the beauty of blogging! So when you turn on the news tonight and Tim Russert and Chris Matthews are breaking it all down....just know that I'm happy as a clam watching all of it!

So..........Who are you excited about? Which one of these guys is your "Agent of Change?" - I'd love to know your views...that's the beauty of this country - we have the freedom to CHOOSE! Let me hear from ya!


Amy said...

I love that you're a politics junkie. I know it'll be hard for you to hear, but I'm all over Obama. Hey, I teach sociology. It's almost a given. I'm glad y'all are back amongst the living. I hope Cam is better!

the lowe down... said...

oh Amy, it's okay...I'll love you even though you are a Democrat!!!! Hee hee...just kidding...I'm cool w/ Obama....just PLEASE keep Hillary out of the Oval Office!!!

carla's gateway said...

Interesting perspectives all over the place these days. I hear it wherever I go! I must say that when asked about my feelings of this year's political circumstance... I am disappointed! I know that God is in control and that His time line is what is coming into play, but my flesh cries for a REAL AMERICAN HERO in the office! maybe it is just that my definition of "hero" is not that of the world... maybe that is why we are called "aliens"... at least we are "legal"!!! This will be a VERY significant year in historical retrospect! ONE THING I will say positively... get your STUFF in order! NOW!!! do not be in bondage to anything of this world so that when you are called to "go here or go there", you will have nothing of the world to hold you in dependence. oooops, got a bit preachy there... sorry! love ya

the lowe down... said...

okay Carla, I'm with you...I'm very disappointed with some of the things going on w/ our politcal world these days. It infuriates me to no end the way that the 'election system' is set up. It takes away from the voter's individuality...for ex, if a democrat lives in a primarily republican state, his vote practically counts for nothing, because all of the electoral college votes will go to the republican just b/c he lives around a whole bunch of them. Okay....must get off my soap box.......this could turn into a blog. maybe it will....and yes, we are getting our STUFF in order...YES MA'AM!....I do believe this election will have much affect on us as a 'world power' and other historically significant things.....