Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'd like a Grande Sugar-Free Vanilla Soy Latte, no foam please.....

Yeah, it's a mouthful to say, but oooohhh, so good! The kids and I got out this evening to run errands...and I stopped by Caffeineville to get an evening cuppa joe. I actually meant to get decaf........but alas....It's 11:30p.m., and those who know me, know that I'm usually asleep by now. I'm more of a morning person than a night owl. (My mom wonders how I came from her womb, loving the morning the way I do!) But I'm a goober (which doesn't take much to figure out)...and drank a -say it with me-(FULLY CAFFEINATED)-Grande-Sugar-Free-Vanilla-Soy-Latte-no-foam-please this evening. They are yummy.
But I am wired!


carla's gateway said...

"you knnnnnnooooowwww what I liiiikkkkke!". Think I'll find a SB here NOW

Emileigh Latham said...

Sounds good!!!!
I like a grande coffee frap with a shot of expresso no whip please. I LOVE them!!!!

Amy said...
