Thursday, February 14, 2008


okay, for all of you who have the same HAIR dilemma that i do...nasty flat hair on Second Day Hair (see previous post...). Thanks go out to my precious dear friend Jennifer....she told me that our hairdresser has the solution to the problem!

Nicole (our hairdresser) said that most hair products are 'water activated'...meaning that they work - or reactivate - when they get wet. SO...say you put hair gel on your hair after you wash's still on your hair the next morning. All you have to do is lightly spray the crown (the top) part of your hair, and then reblowdry. Here's the key though - when you re-dry it, you brush it in the opposite direction that it lays (if you brush your hair down while drying, you make it even flatter b/c of the natural oil in your hair...So you dry it from the underside to create the First Day Body you had the day before!). Waaa-la! First day hair again!

On a different note, Meredith is sitting her with me, and she would like to write her name on the she goes!: meredith lowe Good job Meredith!!! She is now requesting to write my name. Nothing like a learning opportunity on the computer! Here she goes!....
kristi lowe

well, i will close, Mere is telling me stories about cherry trees and george washington!


carla's gateway said...

Such a beautiful picture of you and John. Where were you going? also, as I was writing my blog this morning, I was thinking of folks like you... you are a "balcony" people my dear. Thanks for the hair gel tip! tell your hairdresser we'll test her process. loving you right now!c

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

Is Nicole Wimberly you're hair stylist?? She's mine...or was mine...but I still try to fit in when I come home. Lately, it NEVER works. :) I think she changed the name to David Avery salon.