Friday, May 7, 2010

it's about time...

What would we do if our fear were put on a shelf and we stepped out in faith on what God would have us do? What would happen if we lived the life He called us to? Can you imagine?


What if, for one moment, we realized that if He calls us to something, we wouldn't fail?

It's not like he needs us...he is, afterall, the God who made planets, tulips and manatees. But he chooses relationship with us. And in that, he places callings on us. We have the choice to step into them, or to say no.

I think it's about time. Time to put worries aside and step into it. To pursue him fully. Without abandon. It's not about building our own kingdom, but living freely in His.

1 comment:

Emileigh Latham said...

Awesome words, Kristi! I totally feel the same way. You are SO inspirational!

I am glad to see you back on blogger again.